So here's how this reflection is going to go. It will involve 3,091 tiny pieces of plastic, 3' tall furry creatures from a 41-year-old movie, and the power we each have to make a difference in the world. It will be a long walk, so I hope you bear with me...
I read this entry into your blog immediately following about two hours of researching liturgical colors and parament design, so color was completely on my mind. I wondered how more colorfully diverse the Milky Way is than the starched prescription of liturgical color and thought maybe its time to push the boundaries a bit. I love that Easter has the elegance of white and gold and that the season of Easter culminates at Pentecost - Red. The energy of the Easter season swirls with energy from white hot to flaming red. There are variations of red through the season and it moves outward.
Ha! A heat map. Its funny how two 5s can find so many different ways of thinking about stuff. You lean toward the practical and I run hard into anything that is soft and has no real purpose. I thought that it would be interesting to change the paraments every Sunday between Easter and Pentecost with colors that move from the palest pink to the most fiery red. That's pretty impractical.
This is so beautiful and thought-provoking! Thank you for sharing, Ed. I'm also super impressed with the Lego portrait. I can't wait to see it in person. My "monkey brain" makes it hard, if not impossible, to participate in such meditative, meticulous activity; however, your reflection inspires me to try.
I read this entry into your blog immediately following about two hours of researching liturgical colors and parament design, so color was completely on my mind. I wondered how more colorfully diverse the Milky Way is than the starched prescription of liturgical color and thought maybe its time to push the boundaries a bit. I love that Easter has the elegance of white and gold and that the season of Easter culminates at Pentecost - Red. The energy of the Easter season swirls with energy from white hot to flaming red. There are variations of red through the season and it moves outward.
I’ve been chewing on this since I read this last night. The idea of the liturgical season or colors as a heat map.
The Enneagram five needs to process
Ha! A heat map. Its funny how two 5s can find so many different ways of thinking about stuff. You lean toward the practical and I run hard into anything that is soft and has no real purpose. I thought that it would be interesting to change the paraments every Sunday between Easter and Pentecost with colors that move from the palest pink to the most fiery red. That's pretty impractical.
It would be pretty great though!
This is so beautiful and thought-provoking! Thank you for sharing, Ed. I'm also super impressed with the Lego portrait. I can't wait to see it in person. My "monkey brain" makes it hard, if not impossible, to participate in such meditative, meticulous activity; however, your reflection inspires me to try.
I am happy to help bring you into the Lego cult
So very interesting.