I love your take on things

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I love the light hitting the web and that reflection! Gorgeous captures.

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Thank you! I love moments playing with light like that.

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The idea of Change is ever present, isn't it? I happen to be one of those rare people who get bored if things don't change. By things I mean, environment changes indoors. My eyes get tired of seeing the same walls, ceiling, floor after a few years and begin to look for ways to change things. I'm in the midst of renewing a few things in my house without spending a ton of money. My car got boring so I pasted daisy decals over the hood. I have to do that again next spring. I never plant the same annual flowers every year either. My hair is boring but its so gray and thin now there's very little I can do short of shaving it off. I'm not THAT bored. Everywhere I look I find things to change mostly by adding to it but in some cases removing it. My eyes are the busiest part of me.

I'm the same way with my spirituality. Basically, I think there is always something more, but that's harder to pinpoint. I can't look with my physical eyes and my spiritual eyes are always in development.

When Jesus told us to be like little children he meant that they are constantly changing by growing normally. ( https://biblehub.com/matthew/18-3.htm ) That sounds perfect to me. Hooray, for creativity.

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And children are constantly fascinated by change because everything is new to them. How do we keep finding the newness in the world even as we age?

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Try an improv class. https://www.improvcincinnati.com/101-fundamentals

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Go through your house for a whole day on your hands and knees. That's the next best thing to borrowing a 7 year old for a day. That's why Willow is such a gift to me.

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Omg, oh no! Looking forward to seeing your new lence bench views. Life is an everlasting constant flux of change we might as well learn to let go & go with it with faith that all things work for good.

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