Spoons are not something I think about a lot. In fact, my theme for Monday was “spoon” and I read it in the morning and then totally forgot about it until I was having breakfast yesterday morning. I normally make a smoothie in the morning but everyone was sleeping and we were low on orange juice, so cereal it was. I’m eating my cereal and reading some things on line and as I’m crunching away I realize that I’m using a spoon. Funny how there are those things in life that we grow so used to that we take them for granted. It got me thinking the rest of the day about some of those things like spoons in my life. The heat that turns on from our furnace on a cold winter day. The clothes I can choose from to wear.
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The Second Gaze - Spoon
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Spoons are not something I think about a lot. In fact, my theme for Monday was “spoon” and I read it in the morning and then totally forgot about it until I was having breakfast yesterday morning. I normally make a smoothie in the morning but everyone was sleeping and we were low on orange juice, so cereal it was. I’m eating my cereal and reading some things on line and as I’m crunching away I realize that I’m using a spoon. Funny how there are those things in life that we grow so used to that we take them for granted. It got me thinking the rest of the day about some of those things like spoons in my life. The heat that turns on from our furnace on a cold winter day. The clothes I can choose from to wear.