Just Some Noticings - The Benches, Meditative Geese, and Broken Peace
And a few quotes and some Scout too...
So this is what happens when an Enneagram 5 has had to talk way too much the last few days. Not a lot of words. There’s been a few things stirring for me but each time I tried to write, not much happened other than looking at my screen. So today I’ll just let the images and videos speak (mostly) for themselves.
But first, a reminder from a new book I’m reading called Everything Good About God is True by Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow. Through the book he shares his “Fatih Montage” (you’ll have to read the book to understand) but he hints at the opening of what is known as the Heidelberg Catechism which begins this way.
What is your only comfort in life and in death?
That I am not my own, but belong—body and soul, in life and in death to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ.
The answer continues for a while after that but that opening sentence...has been speaking deep to me. It was a core part of my sermon yesterday, was shared with a family today, and continues to resonate within me as I write this.
Onto the photos...
First, the benches. Sunday morning and this morning brought something new to each of them. People. Yesterday it was two fishermen who were fine with being in the photographs and then today was a kayaker you can just barely see. There was also one where Scout felt she needed to join in on the series

And here are the two videos of all the bench photos for April.
One thing you’ll notice is that there were several times earlier in the month when the benches were gone. That’s because they were underwater due to the way Winton Lake floods when we get significant rain. On several of those days, I couldn’t even get to where I normally photograph, hence the different angles.
Also Sunday morning were these two geese who were just standing on the edge admiring the view (or at least that’s what I am telling myself they were doing)
These next two were ones that were going to inspire a deep reflection on the nature of peace and the foundations of it. But the words just aren’t there right now. So maybe I’ll just let the photos speak for themselves as I found our congregation’s peace pole last week and also our “Hate Has No Home Here” sign. I do want to note that I don’t think either was vandalism - both are signs that have been around a long time. The peace pole’s base was heavily rotted from the elements and the other sign has been knocked over many many times.

Both are going to be replaced because their message continues to need to be shared.
And finally, some photos from a surprisingly stunning morning mid-week and then a few Scout photos (the yellow circle is the dog-shaped impression in the grass) and then one more reminder from Bruce (who I referenced at the beginning).

In addition to Bruce’s reference to Heidelberg, he shared this about the community of faith coming together:
At some point in many church services, you will hear something like this: “God has brought us here, to this particular place, at this particular time, for a particular reason.” This phrase contains one of the holiest and most healing aspects of God for me, because it reminds me that, no matter the magnificence or minutiae of the moment, God has gathered this particular grouping of people for a particular purpose for this moment in time. 1
Here...this particular place...this particular time...this particular reason.
PS - I guess there ended up being some words that emerged…funny how that works with us preacher types…
Reyes-Chow, Bruce. Everything Good about God Is True: Choosing Faith (p. 36). Fortress Press. Kindle Edition.
because I'm also a 5, .......................................................................................................................................................