Chapter 6 of Hope: A User's Manual - In a number of Marvel films, T’Challa rallies his Wakandan troops with the cry of “Yibambe!” which is a Xhosa word meaning “be strong” or “hold fast.” I love that, at pivotal moments of battle, the war cry isn’t “Charge!” or “Take no prisoners!” or “Show no mercy!” or some other swaggering Rambo-inflected line. It is simply, Be strong. Hold the line. Stand with courage....On August 28, 2020 I received news that I was not expecting at all. I saw a news story show up on social media that the actor Chadwick Boseman had died.
I think little moments help me hold hope. If I am dreading or worrying about future events or possibilities, I miss the little blessings of the now. I miss the silver linings.
I think little moments help me hold hope. If I am dreading or worrying about future events or possibilities, I miss the little blessings of the now. I miss the silver linings.
I find those little moments help with those future events or possibilities. Takes the edges off them.