Chapter 42 of Hope: A User's Manual...Full disclosure - There are two posts in one here. The first is one that I wrote about three weeks ago knowing that we’d be getting our kid moved into college today. I didn’t think about the similarities of it to what I wrote yesterday inspired by the sunrise moment . So there’s a bit of redundancy between this post and what I shared yesterday. Just FYI in advance. :-) There’s a second reflection at the end as well that isn’t about MaryAnn’s book, but instead a moment of really unique synchronicity and also what feels like a bit of a gift of synchronicity from my journal that came last night while we were settling into our hotel room. So…two posts in one!
You always give me so much to think about. Thank you. I sure hope that all of the kids are settled and doing their college things.
Thank you! They seem to be!
Great. Happy to hear that. Now you and Amy and Scout can start on a new adventure also. Bet Scout misses Eldra.