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Fred Rogers, better known as Mister Rogers, is one of my heroes. There is one famous quote from him though that really irritates me. It's not how he said it, but how I see people use it all over the internet. This chapter made me think of it.

"Look for the helpers."

Mister Rogers talked about how when something scary would happen in the world when he was a child, his mother told him to look for the helpers because he'd always find peoe helping to make things better. Now, whenever we've had yet another mass shooting, a natural distater, or some other awful event, I will often see adults sharing this quote. While I try to assume good intentions, it frustrates me. Mister Rogers (and his mother) were talking to children with that quote. We are the adults now. It's up to us to be the helpers; not just sit around looking for them.

To harken back to an earlier chapter, find the next best thing to do and do it. Help.

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