Chapter 17 of Hope A User's Manual - I’ve shared more than a few times that my title at the congregation I serve could be pastor / tech support. Actually in every congregation I’ve served (as well as with the larger congregational bodies), I’m often the one called upon for technical support. It is also a similar thing in my family. My wife has said that I’m her personal Genius Bar. I have always been a tinkerer and I’ve loved working with technology. I am one of those lucky people who just “gets” technology and often can just play with and tinker with it enough to figure it out. //. But here’s the other side of it for me..
Both of these quotes are so powerful. I am NOT one who is interested in the latest technology. I also have trouble letting go of things that have meaning or value —a family heirloom, a really worn-in pair of Birkenstocks, and a husband whom I loved. And beauty CAN sprout from hardship—this I know. But we must do our work, if we want to heal and grow. God DOES give Beauty For Ashes. We MUST draw from that HOPE. It sustains us!
Both of these quotes are so powerful. I am NOT one who is interested in the latest technology. I also have trouble letting go of things that have meaning or value —a family heirloom, a really worn-in pair of Birkenstocks, and a husband whom I loved. And beauty CAN sprout from hardship—this I know. But we must do our work, if we want to heal and grow. God DOES give Beauty For Ashes. We MUST draw from that HOPE. It sustains us!