Every morning, I listen to a podcast called the Writer's Almanac hosted by Garrison Keillor. It is a combination of history and poetry in about 5 minutes - literary figures whose birthdays it is as well as a poem to end the podcast. It is a beautiful 5 minutes of my day each day. This past Friday, the poem made me rewind it and listen several more times and I have kept going back to it. It was called "Yes" written by William Stafford from "The Way it Is: New and Selected Poems" (copyright info below)
Yes by William Stafford
It could happen any time, tornado, earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen. Or sunshine, love, salvation.
It could, you know. That's why we wake and look out––no guarantees in this life.
But some bonuses, like morning, like right now, like noon, like evening.
William Stafford, “Yes” from The Way It Is: New and Selected Poems. Copyright © 1998 by The Estate of William Stafford.
I love the simplicity of this poem as it points to the importance of the right now. Life can and does change in an instant but taking time in the moment to embrace what is there and taking in the "bonuses" as he puts it is so vital. Morning. Right Now. Noon. Evening. Right now. Yes.
This picture was a "right now" pic - just happened I was in the right place (seeing this elaborate spiderweb) at the right time (as the sun was rising up behind it) to capture it in this way. Wouldn't be nearly the same a few hours later in the day. But right now was the thing when I took it.