On January 1, 2023, the amazing poet Ada Limón shared this on twitter:
I just set my wash settings to who I’d like to be in 2023: ‘Casual, Warm, Normal.’
I heard about that post in an interview this week with Ms Limón and have been pondering it since. What wash settings would I like to be this year? Or what setting am I on right now? I’ve also been asking lots of folks the same question and it has brought out some powerful and beautiful insights. I talked with one person yesterday morning who shared that she feels like she’s being worked on by the agitator in a washer but on delicate. Delicately stretching out the fibers to release the dirt but not so much that it ruins the clothing. Another shared via text that she wanted to get put into the dryer to get fluffed up while another shared that she felt she was on soak right now. Another reflected that he was on rinse and spin. Knowing each of their stories gave me some insight into why they felt as they did.
For me, as I shared in my Ash Wednesday sermon last night, I feel on the delicate side, with low spin, and a cool/warm temp. Following from what I shared in my last post about the speed of soul and all that’s been going on and then a bunch more things arising at the end of last week into this week, it has felt like a lot. But that’s where it is for me right now - it isn’t a bad thing - just an “is” thing. Feels appropriate for Ash Wednesday - a day that is a reminder of our fragility and our finiteness but also remembering that there is One who is with us through it all.
Kate Bowler put it beautifully that Lent should start with “blessed are the fragile.” Feel free to share in the comments what cycle you might find yourself on right now. Thanks for being on the journey.
PS - Don’t forget Lent Through the Lens starts on Sunday!
I’ve had some conversations with people sharing that they want to be the agitator not just the agitated.
I didn't take the question "What wash cycle are you?", seriously the other day, but now that I know why you were asking...I am "Heavy Load" right now but I can be "delicate", too. I don't know how "normal" I am, but I'm not abnormal. I have a versatile emotional wash cycle.