Wait for the Lord 17 - Taken
A few days ago, Nouwen talked about being chosen and he returns to that again today, but here he makes it feel much more personal. “When I know that I am chosen, I know that I have been seen as a special person. Someone has noticed me in my uniqueness and has expressed a desire to know me, to come closer to me, to love me.”
While Nouwen is definitely talking about the chosenness of God and a feeling of being taken by God, I couldn’t help but hear this in the context of the community that we have in life. I was working last night and early this morning on getting our Christmas letters out to folks as we have been receiving many over the last few weeks. I am grateful for the family and friends from years ago to the immediacy of life who we are connected to. As I was folding the letters and reading the envelopes, I was encouraged as I read the names of the many who have meant so much to us and continue to be a part of our lives today. With each person, there is a sense of chosenness - they have chosen to continue relationship with us just as we have with them. While with some it is not as frequent and regular as it once was, we remain connected and will always remain so.