The Second Gaze - Vision (and a lament)
My heart is so heavy because our vision is so messed up right now.
This glass ball speaks to me of “vision” because it was something I gave as a photo gift to a friend because he always helped me to see things in new and unexpected ways much like how this glass ball allows a focus and a wider field of view.
But my heart is broken today because of what we saw happen in Atlanta last week, what we saw happen in Boulder last night, what has happened too many times. I’m not writing today to propose actions, to make a political statement, or anything else other than to simply lament.
This morning, I had to stop at Kroger and while waiting in line, I heard the clerk talking about the shootings with the person in front of me. It was all I could do to keep it together to simply pay and then get to the car before I broke down in the car before driving home.
While this image was taken yesterday morning thinking about beauty and a unique perspective on the world, today it speaks to me of how we need transformation in each of us, to see the world in new ways, and that comes not from within us but from beyond ourselves. So, I simply share a hasilty written lament.
A Lament
This morning it was a constant twitter search
“Boulder Names”
Knowing people who live right around there
Remembering that I shopped at that same store hundreds of times
When I finally saw the list, none were people I knew
But I did know them.
They are people like me.
Like you.
Created in the image of God.
People just getting food for dinner
A police officer courageously doing his job
Others getting a dessert for their kids as a surprise
Or simply a Coke and a bag of chips
And now
they are on one of those lists.Lists that includes names from
Las Vegas
Sandy Hook
and too many others to nameToday...
ColleaguesLift the same laments as others on the lists
How long?
Why?How long?
I join with the prophet in calling out
O Lord, how long shall I cry for help,
and you will not listen?
Or cry to you, “violence!”
and you will not save?And yet, even as I cry out, I know
you have also spoken through another prophetGod has shown you, o mortal,
what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you,
but to do justice
love mercy
walk humbly
with your God.
Lord, let us live your vision.