Three times this week I saw the a heron in exactly the same place and roughly the same time at Winton Lake. I have no idea if it was the same heron but sure seemed like it might be since same place, same time over several days.
These photos, from one of the mornings, just felt so perfect. The water was perfectly still and the gradient of the not-yet-risen sun was giving color the reflection. The other two mornings the heron was in that exact same spot.
Last week there was also a beautiful poem shared in the Poetry Unbound podcast by Danielle Chapman that featured a family of herons. The poem is entitled “Trespassing with Tweens” and is just marvelous. You can find the podcast here along with the full text of the poem.
These moments with the heron(s) and this poem have just felt like beautiful gifts during the last week. As today is Christmas Eve, I’ll simply say thank you to the universe for these Advent/Christmas gifts.
Herons also feature quite prominently throughout my book, which is nearing completion. We only have a few more things to touch up and then it will be ready to go. All the last tiny details seem to take a lot of time. But we’re close! Hopefully by the end of the year but for sure by early January.
in the meantime for a little taste, I did want to share one of the reflections from the book that centers on the herons at Winton Lake. You can click here to download the PDF of this reflection.
And finally, a few recent bench images as we come towards the end of the year with the bench(es).
And also a few more…Scout getting into the holiday spirit (kind of reluctantly - she got treats for putting up with this).
Grace, Peace, Love, and Joy,
Pictures are so peaceful and calm.