Today was another new labyrinth and a feeling of not having much to say today. Maybe I’m a bit Enneagram-5-ed out or maybe it was what I read when I entered the labyrinth today at Christ Church Glendale…
Honestly, if that is something said of me after I die, I’ll take that as a statement of my life well lived. To honor his ability to turn and look at any issue from a different perspective. So with that, just some more photos of this labyrinth today - more about looking rather than speaking.

And then some photos from a morning that tempted me to not show up at the church this morning - it was so so so so so beautiful.

I haven't seen fog that dense in a long time. It surprised me when I peeked outside after I got out of bed. I wanted it to last so I could drive to church enveloped by it. Very cool and beautiful.