Slow Photography
It is easy to think of photography as simply an instantaneous art form.
Have camera
Find scene
Push shutter
This in contrast to the time that it takes to paint a painting, craft a sculpture, compose a symphony, or make a movie.
While photography can be just as described above, there are other ways that photography can be a slow-moving art form. One way is when photographs are received over a period of time. Years ago, I was given a beautiful gift from my parents of a four-seasons photograph of the Boulder Flatirons and I have since crafted several four seasons photographs of my own.
This year, I am going to do something a bit different. Rather than just four photographs over the course of a year, I am going to do a series of photographs from the same place roughly once a week at 7:45am at one of my most beloved photo spots with one of my most-photographed subjects. This point and this bench at Winton Woods. Here are the first three of the year so far.
es, these are all at 7:45am from the same place but different days.
This was also inspired by a post a friend shared on social media. Sarah asked people to share unedited, un-filtered self-portraits to start off the year. Her post got me thinking about how it is so tempting to simply share the filtered, stunning, awe-inspiring, etc things on social media and not just be willing to be real with the times that life is dreary or beautiful or somewhere in between.
One of my places of growth in my life and faith has been to honor all of those spaces of our lives and the recognition that these things can all exist together - the joy and the sorrow, the struggle and the rest, the hope and the fear. It can all be in there together. So, this is a slow photography project and we’ll see how we see the changes of this space over the course of the next year and how every type of day is in there.
And just wanted to share a few other photos - two from sunset the other night and then the two latest daily doggo devotions (@dailydoggodevotions)
You’ll need to click on the Scout ones for the full scripture passage. :-)