Psalm 9 - Something Wonderful
I will thank the Lord with all my heart! I will tell about all your amazing deeds! I will be happy and rejoice in you!I will sing praises to you, O sovereign One! When my enemies turn back, they trip and are defeated before you. For you defended my just cause;
I had time with a dear brother in Christ today at a local Panera. It was a beauty time of hearing one another, sharing the joys and struggles of life, and digging into where we are finding God in life. I am so grateful for the time we shared. As I was getting in my cR to head back to the church I saw this bumper sticker ...
Something wonderful is about to happen
The last few weeks have been a challenge for me and I know more challenges await in the coming weeks. However, these opening words of this Psalm and this bumper sticker (along with the conversation I had just left) reminded me of the hope that Christ brings - it may not yet be a fully realized hope, but there's enough of a track record to know that I can fully lay all my concerns down at the feet of Jesus. And when we do, we can proclaim that we can fully trust in how Christ will work and that something wonderful is around the corner.
The other thing I love about this bumper sticker is that it looks a bit worn around the edges. Its been there a while and has been through some storms and some road wear, but it is still there. That's what hope is to me - it is life that has gone through the challenges and seen the wonderful and the beauty on the other side.