Psalm 15 - More Chalk
A few weeks ago I wrote about a disturbing message I saw written on a sidewalk. I am grateful to have seen something else written that was not an attack on someone but instead reflected beauty and joy.
Psalm 15 is one that focuses on what we are called to live and do in following God. Verses 1-3 say:
Lord, who may be a guest in your home?
Who may live on your holy hill?
Whoever lives a blameless life,
does what is right,
and speaks honestly.
He does not slander,
or do harm to others,
or insult his neighbor.
The rest of the Psalm continues in a similar way ending with "The one who lives like this will never be upended." So if a few weeks ago it was chalk that reflected the brokenness of what we humans do to one another, this chalk reflects a beauty, a joy, a celebration of life. It is this kind of chalk I want to share more often.