Psalm 14 - Understanding
One of the most beautiful Christmas gifts I received this year was from my daughter who made me a glass and metal piece (larger part of the photo) that she patterned after a photo I took of her and her siblings taking in a Colorado sunset this summer (inset). The gift is so her and it is also so me as well. I love it.
This morning, I was walking Scout while people were still waking up and was listening to PBH’s rendition of Psalm 14 and what really connected with me was the first part of it.
the lord looks down from heaven
on the children of man
to see if there are any
who truly understand who truly understand
While the larger Psalm as a whole is a song about whether people are seeking God in their lives, I found myself going back to this piece that my daughter crafted and the opening lines of the song/Psalm. Their silhouettes really capture their beautifully distinct personalities and ways that they are each seeking to understand the world. Each is trying to understand truth, the world, themselves, their futures and I can see their distinctiveness in just their way they are holding themselves.
For me, seeking to understand God is in a moment like this - being with others in community, taking in something bigger than ourselves, and being blessed by the beauty that is all around us.
That sounds a bit like the Christmas story to me.