So this morning...I was going to see that sunrise that I wanted to see on Sunday. As Scout and I were walking out the door to the car, the same faint pink was starting to appear in the sky and I was so excited! I drove approximately the speed limit to the lake all the while starting to see the pink shifting from just faint lines to deeper red/pink shades through the clouds. I was so excited! And then...
I got to the main parking lot only to find it barricaded because the new gatehouse was being installed today apparently so there were a bunch of trucks and people working. No problem, I thought, I’ll just park across the street. Nope. As I was getting out of the car, one of my fellow early morning people was walking back and waving me to get back in the car because they didn’t want anyone coming in either by car or on foot for safety.
But as I looked toward the lake, I saw it! I saw the bright red/maroon/pink in the sky illuminating everything. The clouds were all illuminated and the color was reflecting in the grey and white of the ice and snow on the lake. It was stunning. But in between were trucks, trees, utility poles, trash cans, etc. But it was only a 2-3 minute drive from there to another parking lot. So I hopped back in and headed over.
I got out of the car and looked to the sky and saw that it was still much as it was just a few minutes before. I looked over in the passenger seat and saw that my camera bag wasn’t there. Um... Undeterred I thought that maybe I had put it in the trunk. I opened the trunk and saw my computer bag, a bag that had some things to go w/ me to the church, and...
No camera.
I do love my iphone camera but, even as good as it is, it doesn’t resolve a scene like a sunrise as well as a DSLR (notice how the horizon in my eventual photo is much more muddled than the rest). But it was what I had so Scout and I headed off. However, Scout needed to pull off to the side multiple times and I decided to just skip where I was going to go and just photograph it from where I was.

These are nice and they do give a sense of what was there but the color is off, the horizon is muddled, and it wasn’t in the place I hoped to have been. So I had a choice. I could be frustrated about it (and I was, especially about forgetting my camera - seriously,.. I forgot my camera on a walk with Scout?). Or I could see it as a small thing in the grand scheme but a big reminder and a big learning. And I could laugh about it with the bigger sense of humor that is all around us.
Grace, Peace, Love, and Joy,
I can’t take my self too darn seriously or I will miss opportunity right in front of me. I love it !! I am learning to laugh at my self. It’s a daily practice for me. Easy does it right?
Thanks, Ed
Laugh, and the world laughs with you. That is my tendency. Why not? You might as well.
At least you got a good story and decent pix out of it.