This was a week bookended with stunning golden mornings at the front end and then at the other end a gift from a young child in my congregation that shows my congregation “gets” me and then some other stunning color this evening. In between, I had a beautiful Earth Day walk with Scout at Rowe Woods. I am grateful.
These next two photos had a surprising resonance with folks. I was not expecting the reactions I received from people on social media and in person.
Then the Earth Day morning
And then finally today... First was this little gift from a little guy in my congregation. Totally made my day (also I didn’t intend the geeky background bokeh going on with the pillow, the other two Star Wars legos, and the Lego BSG Viper that my oldest made).
And finally, the color of these flowers just stopped me in my tracks as Scout and I were out for our evening walk. I am not sure what color I would even name this - it wasn’t as pink as this image makes it - it was some gorgeous pink/purple/red.
Once again, I am grateful.