This past week felt like a lot of happy accidents in my photography. One that was truly a bit of an accident in exposure that resulted in a very unique photograph of a turtle and then others that just were moments where I was in the right place at the right time.
First the turtle. Something went a bit wacky in the exposure metering but this daylight photo sure ended up looking like a turtle in space.
Then a few of my more “normal” sunrise types of photos including my favorite bench but with a few visitors in the foreground.

This week was also the last of my pork-butt-a-palooza-smoking-extravaganza where I smoked 11 pork butts for two church cookouts. They were sooo good. But here was the 530am charcoal chimney getting the fire going...
And then a moment later that morning where it felt like the holy was pointing me in a direction...There was this leaf fragment that had gotten caught by a spiderweb and there it hung and pointed the way.
Shortly after came a happy accident of timing as I got close to an illuminated spiderweb with the sun hitting it just right and there was the tiniest of rainbows along with what looked to be the biggest of spiders (but not really - it wasn’t that big of a spider)
And finally, this goose. Geese get a bit of a bad reputation (“cranky birds”) but as Scout and I walked toward this one, I saw it was standing on just one of its legs on the dock. As we got closer, I saw it hop on that one leg into the water while its right leg just dangled, clearly injured. But the goose got into the water and started paddling away just like any other goose. As it paddled away, I thought of that statement I have heard and shared before (and of which there are many variations)...
Be kind because you never know what battle a person is fighting.
If I only saw that goose on the water, I would never have known what struggle it had day by day. It was only because I had those few moments of seeing it on the dock that I realized the injury it had and likely will have the rest of its life. A good reminder for me.
My favorite word is "serendipity." It fits the mischievous nature of a happy accident. Sometimes, God just wants to play with us and she drops accidents in our way just to see what we'll do with them. Paying attention to the world around us helps us break down that which is meaningful.
The antidote to a fraught morning. I will look for more happy accidents today. Thanks, Ed. Leslie