PhotoPsalm 6 - Follow
Lord, the way you give us is not always simple or easy.
Often it feels like walking a tightrope - seeking to find balance with each measured and careful step.
Other times feel like moments on the edge of a steep drop feeling uncertainty whether it is really safe.
But you never promised that following you would be comfortable or even safe. You said we would feel like sheep among wolves and to carry our crosses.
Yet even as we walk these tightropes, you promise that you will never leave or forsake.
Even as we feel the tightening of our gut, the shallowing of our breath, and the quickening of our pulse, we know those come not only with fear but also with excitement.
We are reminded that you promise not an ordinary life but an abundant one.
And so, we take that next step, breathe in deep, and we journey Your Way.