It started with this little tree last Friday morning. When I saw it, I imagined it saying, “look at me - my first Autumn!” It also stood in contrast to a tree that had fallen right nearby.
This noticing has continued the last few days seeing other “little things.” These two leaves contrasting with the others around them…

And then this afternoon as I was talking through my sermon - noticing the reflection of the stained glass in the filament within the bulb. It started by simply seeing a tiny bit of red glow and then seeing more as I looked a bit closer.
I am an observer, a noticer, an investigator (enneagram 5). I have this thing of sometimes seeing those things that others might not. It is one of my gifts (and sometimes can be a bit of a curse, especially if you ask my family members about how I notice when I think others have loaded the dishwasher incorrectly).
I am grateful for passages in Scripture like Matthew 10:30 which remind us of how God notices us and in far greater detail than we can imagine
And God cares what happens to the canary even more than you do. God pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail—even numbering the hairs on your head! (MSG)
And this extends beyond filaments in bulbs and tiny leaves on the ground. It reminds me to be aware of those who I might overlook for whatever reason it might be (and there are lots of reasons). But God sees them and God loves them just as God loves me and God loves you. God sees. Amen.
2024 Calendars Coming!
On a slightly different note, I wanted to give you a heads up that I am planning on putting some calendars up for sale once again like I did last year. There will likely be four calendars that I’ll be sharing about.
2024 - A Year of Sunrises (one that I created last year but will have 2024 dates)
2024 Daily Doggo Devotions - I curate an instagram feed of “doggo devotions” featuring Scout
2024 - Paths (with Scripture) - I have spent a lot of time this year with The Sermon on the Mount. In our congregation, we have been doing exploring this in sermons and in small groups with a focus on “The Way of Jesus.” So each month will have a different passage about this “Way”
2024 - Paths (without Scripture) - For those who would rather just have the images of paths, there will be an image-only version.
I am still working on the place I’ll be getting these printed (Shutterfly changed from what they did last year). But look for a post about these in the next week or so. The way it will work is that you can put in an order and pay via square with an order deadline of late November and then they’ll ship out in December. More to come.
Ooh can’t wait!
I appreciate your dishwasher attentiveness