Matthew 25 - Ready
I just finished reading Jim Wallis’ new book, Christ in Crisis (which is a must-read by the way) and in his chapter entitled “The Discipleship Question”, he spends a lot of time on Matthew 25 and how Jesus is not just “in” the imprisoned, or the sick, or the poor, or the hungry, or the naked, but instead that Jesus is those very people who we visit in prison, or seek to help heal, or that we will feed. In the chapter, he tells of a woman with whom he served named Mary Glover who would pray the following each time they would begin serving people in need. I think this pretty much captures Matthew 25...
I remember Mary Glover’s whole prayer still vividly today. She prayed, “Thank you Lord, for waking me up this morning; that the walls of my room were not the walls of my grave, and my bed was not my cooling board.” Then Mary always concluded her prayer with these words: “Lord, we know that you will be coming through this line today, so Lord, help us to treat you well—help us to treat you well. Amen.”