Matthew 2 - Mitten
A few weeks ago, I wrote about another leaf when it came to slowing, listening, and seeing. I saw another leaf that had a very different meaning this morning. This morning, I read Matthew 2 - the rest of the birth story of Jesus - the magi and then the story that many prefer to skip or ignore...the massacre of the infants. Herod, upon hearing that a prophecies king was born, ordered the death of all boys under the age of 2 in the area. When Jesus’ family hears of this, they flee to Egypt until Herod’s death.
This morning, the leaf still looked like a heart, but today it also looked like a child’s mitten that had been left on the ground and I joined in the lament from Jeremiah that Matthew 2:18 quotes
“A voice was heard in Ramah,
wailing and loud lamentation,
Rachel weeping for her children;
she refused to be consoled, because they are no more.”
I joined in the lament not only for those in this story but the children whose lives today are shattered by the violence of others. Lord in your mercy.