Mark 14 - Big Picture - AYWJ 10
As I read Mark 14 this morning, I kept going back to the question of “what’s the bigger picture here?” After all, there are a bunch of key moments in the Jesus story that take place in this chapter - anointing at Bethany, last supper, the bread and cup, prayer in the garden, Jesus’ arrest, Peter’s denial, Jesus before the religious council, and there are still more to come. Each of these moments is key to the story of Jesus and the way that the story continues to be experienced today. But for each of the people in the story, it was probably hard if not impossible to see it in that way. I read this passage on a foggy morning, one of those mornings that when one is in the midst of the fog, it is hard to see the larger picture. It is only when one is able to look over and see the whole that we can see how it all might come together.
As I reflect on my own life, I know that there are a lot of times that I get caught focusing on the areas that are just in front of me that I can see, feel, experience in the here and now. Yet when I am able to step back and reflect prayerfully on the bigger picture, it helps to bring the bigger picture into focus.
I am grateful for both the fog and the clarity.