Mark 1 - Spirit
I wrote yesterday about my love of sunrises. The other thing that will get me out and going quick is a foggy morning. I love the mystery and wonder that fog brings. The wisps of fog and haze as it starts to burn off always speak to me of the Holy Spirit...The ways that they stretch over distances and can be seen yet don’t obscure...the interconnectedness of different strands...the ways that they, to me, draw out more of the beauty around...all of it speak to me of how the Holy Spirit moves. So when I read in Mark 1 of the Spirit descending on Jesus at his baptism, it brings me back to the beginning of Genesis which speaks of the breath/wind/spirit (ruach) of God hovering over the water. That something new was about to begin and the Spirit was a part of it. Just as the baptism of Jesus signals that something new was about to begin and...the Spirit is a part of it. And the Spirit is still moving today. Thanks be to God!