Lent 38 - Darkness
This picture was a total accident. I must have not turned my phone off when I put it in my pocket the other morning and then hit the shutter button on the screen. The still-on camera must have been pointed at the morning sun and gave this picture. Not the most artistic for sure. It is rather messy but that's why I love it. It is very real. just like life. life, especially right now, is messy for lots of reasons. People being largely stuck at home, kids not physically in a school building, adults not physically going to work. There is stress and anxiety. There are people who are sick and people have died.
Mr Rogers once said to "Look for the helpers" when something bad happens -they are the light in the darkness. So to the helpers in this time, you are the light in the darkness. thank you for what you are doing on behalf of others.
The Poetry Unbound podcast had a beautiful tribute to healthcare workers that you can listen to here...