Lent 37 - Deliver
52 years ago, Martin Luther King Jr, was assassinated in Memphis, the day after he gave one of the most powerful and necessary sermons of his ministry. In it he reminded the people that there will be freedom one day for all, that they would get to the mountaintop, just as the Hebrews one day finally entered the Promised Land after wandering in the desert for decades.
In the midst of feeling like I am in a time of wilderness right now (and not just me), I was reminded yesterday that the work of new racial beginnings is not over-Even though Covid19 is a new and ever present reality, the other issues are still present too. God's heart - justice and mercy - are still here. The work may be changing but is still needing to be done.
Maybe this experience will help us begin to move beyond where we have been. Or maybe not. But for my part, I am still going to do the work. This picture is from nearly 5 years ago when we visited Dr King's church in Atlanta. The Communion table is still there with the inscription, "this do in remembrance of me." there’s a double meaning in that for me. Not only the bread and cup of Communion but also continuing to do the work of deliverance shown by God, by Jesus, and lived by so many including Dr King. The work is still going.