Imago Scriptura 66 - Job 8-10 - Real
From my early years of my faith, I don't remember hearing / feeling / experiencing that it would be "ok" to talk to God the way that Job does here in this section of the book. As he is in his 2nd lengthy message, he is so very "real" and honest in what he is saying as he struggles with everything that has gone on. Earlier, in chapter 7 he says:
Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
Coming into the next section, Job responds to Bildad's rebuke of Job by honestly asking the question of how he could prove his innocence before God. The whole section of chapters 9 and 10 have Job struggling to find an answer to how he could have that kind of audience with God where Job could assert his innocence of what has taken place. His friends of course by this time are already pointing the finger at Job.
Not a lot has changed since the time this was shared. I know I look at my own life at times when things aren't going well and wonder "what have I done to dseerve this" while other times I have (and I have seen others) point fingers into the lives of other people when things go badly. "They're getting what they deserve" or "if only they lived in this way or that." The same things that Job's friends have been doing, but Job's honestly is so very clear in these passages - God, what have I done to deserve this?