Imago Scriptura 53 - Tunnel
In yesterday's reading from John 8 is one of the most well known sayings of Jesus - “If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples; and you will know the truth, and the truth will make you free." When I read that yesterday I immediately thought of park of a walk in one of our local parks here in town. There are these narrow tunnels that go under a road and I have always loved the feeling of walking through these tunnels into the bright light and beauty that is on the other side. The tunnels themselves on the inside are pretty grimy but the areas beyond are beautiful.
That's the image I get of these well-known words of Jesus - There are times in our lives, some of our own choosing and actions (such as the times when we are walking not according to the Word) and some times that are not of our choosing (times of illness, depression, grief, fear, anxiety, etc) where we feel like we are walking in the darkness. We feel like we are in the middle of the grimy tunnel. Some of those tunnels feel very very long. I remember more than a few times in my life where I have felt like I was stuck in one of those places.
But what I love about this passage and I love about this image is that the Truth of Christ is not far away. Its there ahead, but we need to continue walking towards the Truth, towards the light, towards Freedom in Christ. That doesn't mean that once we emerge from the tunnel that there won't be others, but the light is always there beyond. Just keep walking on and continuing in Christ. Let the freedom come.