Imago Scriptura 119 - Micah 6 - Simple
Micah 6:8 is one of those Scripture passages that you see pretty much on everyone's list of favorite Scripture passages. So coming to it today, I had a lot of preconceptions of the passage given how often I hear it from others. What's your favorite passage, "Micah 6:8" is often the response.
It was a few days ago when I read the passage, but it has continued to stay with me. Reading verses 1-7 brought up some new insights for me. The verses briefly recount some of the history between God and the people and then comes to the question of what one should bring before the Lord. Verse 7 speaks of incredible amounts of offerings - thousands of rams and tens of thousands of rivers of oil. These would be impossible to collect and offer. Then there's the question, "The Lord has shown you what is do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God." Now, those things aren't easy to do, but they are "simple." There's not a lot that is complex about them.
That's where this beautiful pup comes in. This is our new puppy. She's about 4 months old and right now, simple is best. We can talk a lot to her, but it probably is much more like the sound of Charlie Brown's teacher to her. But the core things - her name, "Come", "Good girl" and yes even "No" - those are what can come to make sense to her.
We try to over-complicate faith. We add so much to the list of what it means to be "faithful" yet we see over and over in Scripture, the core is pretty simple. Like Micah says here, "do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God."