Imago Scriptura 107 - Jeremiah 18:1-11 - Inside
I went on a hike this morning and was blessed to take in the beauty of autumn here. But there was this one leaf that really caught my eye. It had fallen from a tree and was caught up in the branches of a small bush. Normally it wouldn't be very striking but I walked by just as the morning sun was striking it. The morning light illuminated the leaf in a stunning way.
Later on in the morning I read the following words from Jeremiah 18:
The Lord said to Jeremiah: “Go down at once to the potterʼs house. I will speak to you further there.” So I went down to the potterʼs house and found him working at his wheel. Now and then there would be something wrong with the pot he was molding from the clay with his hands. So he would rework the clay into another kind of pot as he saw fit.
The remainder of this section of Jeremiah continues this analogy of the Potter to God's relationship with God's people. Ultimately the message is that of God the Potter and we are the creation.
I don't remember ever doing pottery on a wheel like is talked of here but I have done similar projects where the one creating can see details that no one else can see. That's the beauty of this image for me as well as this part of Jeremiah. Just as the sun illuminated every part of that leaf, so God can see every detail of me. That is both a wonderful comfort as well a challenging statement.