Imago Gospels - 28 - Daughter
When I went through Mark a few months back I focused in this section on the woman touching the hem of Jesus’ cloak. Today, however, I zeroed in on the age of the young girl who is restored to life. The passage says that she was about 12 years old. My daughter just turned 11 a few weeks ago and so as I read this passage this morning, I thought about what it would be like to lose her (or our other children). I thought about the many who have lost children younger than or older than the girl in this passage and didn’t have the miracle described here. As we have been traveling South Africa this month, I am blessed to see an incredible wonder in my daughter’s eyes (as well as the boys’) - I am thankful for the blessing that my children are, but I also pray for those who continue to grieve losses that can never be replaced.