Imago Gospels - 18 - Caesar
Money…I have heard some say its what makes the world go round. Today, I saw examples of the difference between those who have and those who do not in very clear ways. This picture is obviously a shot of some South African currency. One of the first questions that the kids asked as we arrived was “What does South African money look like”? Here’s some of it.
Today though, we saw the stark contrast between what having money and opportunities looks like and what it looks like when those are harder to come by. We had a wonderful first day in country as we went to a Cheetah Outreach center near Cape Town and got to pet cheetahs, hold meerkats, and play with Bat-Eared Foxes. We got to have an amazing open air lunch in the middle of our time there. We are blessed to be able to be here, to have the resources to visit such a place, and to have had opportunities that allow us to be where we are now.
Yet, on the way, we drove past several of the townships that are part of Cape Town, including one that had a big tour bus driving through that said on the side, “Cape Tours.” We had a discussion with the kids in the car on the way there about where the townships came from and why they exist and how this is a part of life here in South Africa for many as well as for millions/billions throughout the world.
So, as I read the passages today from Matthew 22 about giving to God what is God’s and to Caesar what is Caesar’s…but then the section that follows shortly thereafter about the Greatest Commandment…Yes, love the Lord with all your heart, your soul, and your mind…but the second is like it, “love your neighbor as yourself.” A strong conviction in this for me today.