Hope 05 - Mantra
Reading Psalm 42 this morning spoke to me in that some days I just need a mantra. Several times in this Psalm is this line...
Hope in God, for I shall again praise him. My help and my God.
The first time is when the Psalmist shares of the disquiet within his soul and the second is at the end when he laments those who torment him. While I know that this is a song and these also function like a refrain, this morning it felt like a mantra that I needed to speak in my meditation and prayer time this morning.
I spoke them many times a bit later in the morning as I went on a sunrise walk. The words echoed what I saw in the sky. In some ways a beautiful sunrise is a physical mantra for me - a physical mantra of new hope and new beginnings. No matter how many sunrises I see they continue to speak this promise of home.
Mantras from Scripture. Mantras spoken. Mantras in the heavens. Mantras of hope.