Gratitude 10 - Stone
A day late in posting...Yesterday, I attended the monthly Mosaix gathering here in town - a multi-racial network of pastors and other church and community leaders. I have been participating since I returned from my sabbatical and will continue to do so as I see this as a vital part of what we are called to be as the church of Jesus the Christ. Yesterday, we met at the Tryed Stone New Beginnings Church - As we heard from their pastor about the challenges that black churches face in participation in the multi-ethnic movement (specifically the racism that is much more underground today than it was a few decades ago that has been informed by centuries of oppression), I kept going back to the name of the congregation where we were meeting - Tryed Stone New Beginnings. The old-school name of Tryed representing something that has been tested over a long period of time...a stone that remains strong and in place despite oppression and beginnings - a restoration to something new. This was made even more apparent as we watched this video
Our time yesterday further reinforced an expeirence on Monday with a Presbytery event focusing on racial/ethnic ministries and the important work of bridging the gaps between people of all races in the name of Jesus.
As one who is lucky/blessed to have grown up in privilege (white, mid/upper class male, etc), I am continually reminded of those whose lives have not been like my own and the call and example of Jesus who sought to bridge those differences and lift others up and draw them along through relationship, love, justice, and grace.
I am grateful for the example set fort for me to seek to follow by my brothers and sisters in black churches across this country who have remained steadfast in faith despite all that has been put on to them.