Bwana Asifiywe
A little bit of Swahili...bwana asifiywe - means Praise God. It is a greeting shared between many people and not just in a time of worship or in a church. It has a beautiful flow and feel to it and I have heard it and shared it many times over. The pronounciation is bwana (just as it looks) a-see-fee-way.
Yesterday, we shared this beautiful phrase many times over in our worship times as we shared and participated in worship and teaching both in a very unique and beautiful outdoor setting and then to late in the night at a church in Keroka. It is hard to put into words what we saw and experienced but there was such a deep hunger for hearing the Gospel and such a heart for sharing it. There is so much that we can learn from our brothers and sisters here. There has been such gracious welcome and acceptance of all of us. It is humbling and we are so grateful.
Last night, Howard shared his story in both settings while Amy and I then shared in the evening time. Howard’s miraculous story spoke of the amazing power of God over all things. I was led to share of the commonality of our faith that we have together as siblings in Christ - adding to Paul’s words from Galatians 3 of how in Christ there is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female and to which I added - no Kenyan, no American, no English, no Swahili - but instead we are one in Christ and that God wants to work in us toward a beautiful one new humanity. Amy shared of the incredible love of God for each and every one of us as we read of it in the story of the Prodigal Son. She shared the story from her perspective as a mother - what it would be like to feel like your child has gone away from you and then the incredible joy and celebration at the return.
We share again today in Keroka and then again on Saturday before returning to Nairobi late Saturday night.
God is good. Bwana asifiywe!