BFTJ - Sep 14 - Remaining Anchored in Love
Sunday morning, I was reading in my devotions before I headed to worship and I came across these words from Nouwen…
Jesus tells us not to worry at all and to trust that he will give us the words and wisdom we need. What is important is not that we have a little speech ready but that we remain deeply anchored in the love of Jesus, secure about who we are in this world and why we are here. With our hearts connected to the heart of Jesus, we will always know what to say when the time to speak comes.
I was preaching that morning on being willing to say “yes” to Jesus and that what often holds us back from saying Yes is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of scarcity. Fear of not measuring up. Fear of what others might think. Fear fear fear. While Nouwen was writing about the times that we are placed in situations that are unexpected and we need to react on the spot, I heard more in his words about the yes of following Christ in our lives - I heard aligning ourselves with the heart of Jesus and surrounding ourselves with Jesus’ presence and the power of the Spirit, especially in those times when things feel most insecure and volatile. Hearts connected with the heart of Jesus.