Advent Day 8 - Peace/Piece
Ah English...wonderful how we can have words that are spelled differently but sound the same with different meanings. Yesterday morning when I took in the devotion (which happened to be one of those that I wrote), I came across one of those. I wrote, “Look deeply into the words of Isaiah 11 and into the visual feast that is this peace.” Now, I was meaning to write, “...that is this piece” referring to the art piece that formed the center of the devotion (Peaceable Kingdom by John August Swanson). But even though it was a me, it works. It works because we there is a peace that we are to look into and look towards. We may feel restless, anxious, empty, hurting, or a host of other things but Isaiah 11 invites us to look to something new and transformed, to look to the light of God that shines even when things seem bleak.
But there is another side to this as well. This word is not just for us and our own internal peace, but how are we actively working, acting, serving, sharing, loving, welcoming, caring to help others find that peace and transformation? Our faith is never just for us ourselves but for us to receive and share.