Advent Day 5 - Blue Light
In today’s devotion, Ken wrote:
During this season of Advent, I find it helpful to sit quietly each evening, like I did staring at that light on the tree so many years ago, and reflect on the areas of my life where I most need the light of Christ to shine. Advent is the time to pause, reflect, and wait for Christ’s light to “visit.”
This came after he shared of an idea his brother had when they were kids to “have one special light on the tree to watch each evening to count down to Christmas morning.” Ken shared of a single blue light that he focused on that year...
As I read Ken’s words this morning, I looked at our Christmas tree and started to look closer at each of the blue lights and saw this one - lighting up this glass heart ornament - the blue light filling the clear glass ornament. The light filling and illuminating the symbol of love.
So that was my focus this morning - how to focus on the love that God has poured out on us and how I am able to share that love with others and see how Christ’s light can shine through me and in me.