Advent Day 14 - Candles
I took this picture a few years ago and it was one of those “happy accidents.” I was just meaning to get the foreground candle with the Christmas tree lights in the background but what I ended up was having the silhouette of one of the other candles in there as well. I loved how it came together speaking to me of the progression of the season - from an unlit wreath to each candle being added as we get closer to the celebration of Christmas.
I loved how Cindy this morning spoke to how the Advent candles are so central to her experience of the season and specifically how she taught about the wreath and candles to children in Sunday School. She wrote:
The materials we used vary, but the message remained the same. The 4 colored candles symbolize the gifts of Jesus: Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace. The fifth taller, white candle reminds us that Christ is the light of the world. Every Advent as I taught those children, I was reminded we are waiting and preparing our hearts for Jesus.
So, we’re not to the end yet. Two candles have been lit thus far with three more to go. I am grateful for this point in the season with much behind us but still more to come. More time to prayerfully reflect upon the space I am making for Jesus in my life and how I am reflecting Jesus to the world.