A Place at the Table - 46 - Holy Saturday
A Place at the Table - 46 - Holy Saturday
God, on days where we are stunned with grief, give us a sense of the heartache Your disciples must have felt at being severed from their Teacher. Help us to face You, even when darkness lays heavy upon us. May we remember that You have our eternal home in order, ready and waiting when the time comes. In the meantime, may we become a people who live well regardless of our circumstances. May we learn to be content in good times as well as in seasons that are marked by pain and suffering. Forgive us when we fail to wait patiently, and teach us when we lack knowledge. Amen.
Saturday of Holy Week is a strange day. Some traditions remember the day with the Easter Vigil, while others simply…wait…wait for the dawn. Seay referenced the old phrase of how its always darkest before the dawn (as well as noting that scientifically that concept isn’t correct). But the sentiment is accurate…its in the time of waiting between the cross and the tomb that is a dark time of waiting, hoping, and waiting some more for the light to come and life to be renewed.