A Place at the Table - 19 - Feast 3
God, we thank You for becoming the Lamb who wipes away our sins. As we join in the ancient practices of our faith by eating together and giving thanks for Your miraculous rescue of each of us, we enjoy the flavors of the food placed before us. Like the Israelites, we are also dining with our shoes on and our bags packed, because You are also taking us on a journey. May we be ready to receive the wisdom that You have for each of us on this grand adventure. Amen.
Yesterday it was a song, today it is a meal - a meal, a feast, to celebrate the provision of God. Seay uses the example of the Passover as a way of how the story of what has come before is retold in a meal. In the Passover meal, each part of the meal represents a part of the story. In the Christian faith, we have the Communion meal which is a story of remembrance - "Do this in remembrance of me" Jesus said at the table. My feast today was with the congregation I serve. Prior to our combined worship service and our annual meeting, we shared a meal. A group of men from the church came together and put a great feast together in less than an hour - it was definitely a sight to behold. But the most beautiful sight was the community gathered - eating, laughing, sharing, celebrating. A great day.